The new ICDL brand was launched in Europe on 10 May 2019 and subsequently in Asia on 12 September 2019. The refreshed digital skills certification and brand identity will help meet the digital skills needs of students, workers and professionals across Asia at a time when technologies are developing faster than ever before.

We are taking the opportunity to refresh the structure and substance of our programmes to better reflect their global nature, rapidly changing technology, and above all, our commitment to quality. We remain rooted in Asia, with a dedicated office in Singapore. ICDL has grown to have an extraordinary global reach and has transformed to be a global certification of digital literacy in over 100 countries across 6 continents.

ICDL programmes are adopted by a few governments in Asia which includes:
SINGAPORE -SkillFuture Singapore (SSG)
THÁI LAN - Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI)
VIỆT NAM - Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) & Ministry of Education and Training (MOET)
PHILIPPINES - Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
ẤN ĐỘ - National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
MALAYSIA - Department of Skills Development (DSD – MOHR)
TRUNG QUỐC - National Centre for Educational Technology (NCET)

It is an exciting time for digital skills. The fourth industrial revolution is charging ahead around the world. The demands this places on workers’ skills makes certifications like ICDL more important than ever before. With a single brand for our programmes everywhere, we can unite all partners who share our mission: empowering people around the world with digital skills.

How is the ICDL programme changing?

The world never stands still, especially where technology is concerned. That’s why we are introducing new ICDL modules in topics like data analytics and 3D Computer Aided Design. The new structure for ICDL makes it easier for individuals to work out what modules fit their needs best. It ensures that ICDL is accessible and useful to everyone. It also makes it easier to keep the programme up-to-date with new modules over time.

ICDL Workforce gives people the skills they need to get a job, develop at work, and build their careers. ICDL Workforce modules cover a broad range of skills, from the basics to more detailed topics.

ICDL Professional has been tailored to meet the demands of professionals across a broad range of sectors. From finance to marketing, and education to healthcare, ICDL Professional provides the specialised digital skills that are needed to excel.

ICDL Digital Students is a comprehensive structure to support students’ digital skills as they develop. It supports younger students gaining basic digital skills and learning appropriate online behaviour. It also supports older students in embedding skills for appropriate and secure online activity while developing skills for later work and personal life.

ICDL Citizen lis a programme that is designed specially to cater to people who have no experience whatsoever of using computers and being online.

ICDL around the world

United Kingdom: ICDL is mapped to the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), which replaced the Qualifications & Credit Framework and the National Qualifications Framework in October 2015.

Singapore: SkillsFuture Singapore, a statutory board under the Ministry of Education, has embedded ICDL in its Workforce Skills Qualification Framework and provides significant funding to employers and employees for ICDL certification. Singapore National Employers Federation, the National Trades Union Congress and many TVET providers deliver ICDL training and certification for workforce development. ICDL Asia has also partnered with professional bodies such as ACCA Singapore and the Singapore Academy of Law to provide contextualised ICDL programmes for their members.

Kenya: The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) accredited ICDL Africa as a ‘Foreign Examination Body’ and approved the ICDL programme as a certificate level qualification in the TVET system in Kenya.

Rwanda: The government of Rwanda, through its National Digital Talent Policy has approved ICDL for central and local government employees. The MoU between ICDL Africa and the Ministry of ICT provides for the certification of 85,000 government employees.

South Africa: ICDL has been widely adopted in South Africa in the education and government sector. The Western Cape Government integrated ICDL with its Cape Access programme.

Australia: ICDL is mapped to the Australian Qualifications Framework and the Queensland Certificate of Education. The intended target audience is vocational education.

USA: The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®) has evaluated and recommended college credit for five of ICDL modules. Similarly, ICDL programme received a Seal of Alignment from ISTE, a membership organisation committed to educational technology based in the United States.